Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted lately, just dealing with some personal things and a little stressed out. Everything is just dandy though, been doing a lot of praying and taking it easy. I'm going to have my cyst removed hopefully this month or next. I woke up the other night in so much pain I couldn't even pick up a glass of water. I'm confident it's nothing serious though. We'll be running tests next week I think because we think it may be wrapped around my artery and nerve pinching them together. I really hope not because I want it out! Anyway just wanted to let you know that I'm still around. I just posted some new videos last night so I hope you like them!! God bless!


Unknown said...

Keeping you in my prayers Marion. I get cysts all the time that have to be removed. My doctor keeps telling me they hurt they are most likely not cancer. Yours sound a little more complicated though. I love reading your blog and watching and listening to your videos. Thanks for all the hard work. Susan

Scrappin Susie said...

My sis just had a complicated cyst removed on her 40th b-day was not cancerous but they removed it to make sure it doesnt get cancerous. My prayers are with you.

Tiffany said...

you and your family will be our prayers!! ohpe you start feeling better!

Joy said...

You're in my prayers Marion, take care always.

Stephanie (steffogal1) said...

OOOH gosh! So sorry to hear.. you are in my prayers!
God Bless!

**CrEaTiNgWiThAlOhA** said...

take care...hugs....Liann

Rebecca Baca said...

wow, take it easy. Hope you get feeling better!

Vicky Varvadouka said...

I am so sorry to hear that...I hope everything will be just fine Marion! Get well soon!

Kisses and love,

Unknown said...

Marion, I'm sorry to hear that. You will be in my prayers...good luck!


LaUriE said...

I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope everything turns out to be OK.
Get well soon!

Joyce ( Gingerbread Girl) said...

Hi Marion!
I in-"Cyst" you stay strong through this.. OK?! And I know you will, because you have a lot of people praying for you and you have a strong will and a lot of faith.
Get Betta really soon!
Luv and Hugz- Joyce

Carmen said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Marion. It's hard to function properly when things are medically wrong. I speak from experience. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Lisa said...

Hey Marion
Had no idea you weren't doing so well. My prayers are with you too. :) I hope all is well for you.

Anonymous said...


Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers. I hope they get it out soon, take care & God bless,

Lisa Sturgill

The Vintage Key said...

Thank you for letting us know this personal information about you. We are all worried and will pray for you. It is in your best intrest to rest and take care of your self!!!!! I am happy you have a wonderful husband that is helping you with the kids. Much love and take care.
Laura De La Rosa

Kay said...

Oh Marion I am so sorry! I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Stay strong! Take it easy! God Bless you!

Unknown said...

take care Marrion, thanks for taking your time to share what going on in your life with us :D we will have in our prayers, hugs :D

Jana said...

Wishing you all the best....I hope everything turns right!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're so brave, sharing personal pain, but clearly, you're not alone! Be brave! Take Care of You;]

Rebecca Baca said...

Hey, I just watched the new videos. I am so addicted to this site. It is my fave. I have been watching your youtube videos forever. I watch them after the kids go to bed. Over and over again. I especially love watching you complete a book with the beethoven. I like your music list as well. I have gotten so many great ideas from you. I hope you get to feeling better.


Unknown said...

happy b-day i hear that is your b-day i hope u have a way nice day with your family and friends take care :D your friend angie